Celebrating a Milestone: WONDA Coffee’s 10th Anniversary Press Kit Launch
We are thrilled to announce one of our proudest projects, recently launched by our client, WONDA Coffee by Etika, a leading ready-to-drink coffee brand in Malaysia. Committed from Day 1 to creating unforgettable coffee experiences, WONDA Coffee is celebrating its 10th anniversary in Malaysia with a unique press kit designed for Asahi Japan's top and senior management, local press, and key opinion leaders.
This press kit, a testament to meticulous craftsmanship, is 99.9% handcrafted and offers a nostalgic journey through WONDA's milestones, engaging all five senses. With built-in mechanisms to deliver a sensory experience, it includes elements of sight, touch, feel, smell, and taste, ensuring an unexpected and delightful experience from beginning to end.
The journey of this press kit began in July 2023, when I received a call from Amy Gan from Etika (VP of Marketing), who was visiting the Asahi factory in Japan. She shared the high expectations for a special piece that would impress the Japanese HQ and leave a lasting wow effect. Along with her teammates Oliver Kau, Amelia, Yee Shan & James they pushed our creativity to the next level, filling our discussions with imaginative ideas.
Despite the creative excitement, the challenge lay in finding a producer capable of executing the intricate design within budget. After numerous discussions with reputable local printers, we finally found a young and enthusiastic printer, Ken Loo from Pumkin Production, who was willing to take on the challenge. Our studio and Ken's team collaborated tirelessly to perfect the gadgets and mechanisms in each box. From the first dummy to the final mock-up, the process was intense and the deadlines tight.
In mid-February 2024, we successfully delivered the first batch of the specially made press kits to Japan, followed by additional pieces for local demand. The project would not have been possible without the high expectations and unwavering support from our client, who championed creativity and excellence.
Seeing the final outcome displayed proudly in our cabinet is a constant reminder of the value of striving for excellence in creativity. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to continuing this journey with you.
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